sâmbătă, 12 ianuarie 2013

Countdown to Green Deal launch by the UK Government

Everyone is expecting for the £125 million cash back plan of action  by the United Kingdom's Government, which is expected to restart the investors and the public's interest in the Green Deal energy efficiency programme.

Even if the details of the scheme are not to be announced until next week,  the Energy and Climate Change Minister,  Mr. Greg Barker stated that he hopes for this measure to be the first step towards instituting the "sea change", as he sees the Green Deal to engender in the United Kingdom's energy efficiency standards.

 The Green Deal will officially begin in 28 January, when the investors, both homeowners and companies will begin signing the deals under the new scheme.

 There will be over 45 property improvements for the customers to choose from, all of them designed with energy efficiency in mind. Under the Green Deal project, solar energy and thermal are among the technologies which are qualified  to be implemented and subsidized by the Government.

To make sure that the public is aware by the benefits and opportunities of the new Green Deal project, the United Kingdom's Government hired a specialized PR company, Freud Communications, in order to make waves in the media about the project and raise the awareness of the general public.

 This move is due to a report from last year, the report revealed that the public has limited knowledge about green projects and there are very few potential customers showing an interest in using the Green Deal opportunities for making their properties more energy efficient.

 There were announcements made by the Department for Communities and Local Government, about relaxing the legislation for those who want to install solid wall insulation, making their task easier.

 Before that, there were issues and doubts about such home improvements, as they would require or not planning permission from local authorities, as the wall insulation alters the outside of buildings.

 We will see in the near future how the Green Deal will work in real life starting from next month, including how businesses can become accredited Green Deal installers  and also how can you make/save money with this new project and also protect the environment.

 Also, there are expected from the Department of Energy and Climate Change the latest feed-in-tariff rates, as Mr. Barker will start the roadshows at Sandown Park Racecourse on 7 February, in Surrey, so stay tuned.

For more information and news about solar energies in the UK, you may visit here anytime: 



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