joi, 20 septembrie 2012

The UK government cuts Renewable Energy Certificates, grim perspectives for 2013

The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) reconsidered its July declarations in which it promised  to take no action in the renewable obligation certificates (ROC) and to continue to support  installations >5MW. At the moment, DECC is considering cuts in the support for solar PV from the actual  2ROCs to just 1.5ROCs from April 2013. 

 The problem is that there are almost 120 MW of >5MW solar parks projects already approved for planning in the UK and this decision could kill the green project or at least severely damage it .The 
DECC's announcement was heavily criticized by the solar industry who argued that the profit margins of the solar panel manufacturers are already evaporating and the future looks grim in this perspective. They also asked DECC to encourage the private investment in the solar panel industry as they did before, on the basis of subsidies. 

DECC stated that  the proposed RO banding rates for solar are a work in progress and they asked the solar industry representatives to make a statement on their announcement and provide up to date informations for future decisions.

 The companies have until October 17 to respond to DECC’s proposals, you can view the document from DECC here.

 For more informations and news about solar energies in the UK, you may visit here anytime :

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