marți, 25 septembrie 2012

“Denying green energy is good for growth is as perverse as denying climate change” dixit Davey

I hope you all know who mr. Ed Davey is, if you don’t, well, he is the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, whatever the hell this is anyway, I mean Global Warming, Climate Change, what’s next? These people should make up their mind, but that’s not the point of the article.

 In a recent stand at a party convention, he took a speech in which he vigorously defended the Liberal Democrats green ideas, more precisely, he said:

 “[Green growth] it’s much, much bigger than many realize and bigger than the skeptics want people to know about.”
Legolas continued: “Green growth is the fastest around and at the heart of rebalancing the British economy. How can the critics ignore this? Why won't they champion this British growth opportunity? How can they let ideology blind them to what is happening right before their eyes? My message to them is simple: no turning back from tackling climate change; no turning back green jobs; no turning back from green growth.
Davey concluded: “To deny our green energy revolution is good for growth, is as perverse as denying climate change”

In an interview for Observer, Davey also criticized the orcs from the Conservative party (you know, Orcs are like the opposite of elves, they are industrialist, they pollute, smell bad, burn the forest etc.) stating:
Noises off at the margins are undermining investors' confidence and that is undermining green growth, and that is undermining the central purpose of the government, which is deficit reduction.
He added: "When you hear all that noise on the right of politics that worries investors. They think, 'Well if I am going to put all this money in - it is a 30-year investment - I need to know that if the government changes we are not going to have some right-wing Tea Party tendency taking over.'"

At the Liberal Democrats Party Convention, Mr. Davey described the challenges that must be met in the next decade or something like that:

“Replacing our ageing power stations closing over the next decade will attract £110bn of investment. Energy is half; yes half, of all Britain's planned infrastructure investment. And since this summer's Olympics was so fabulous - let me get in on the act. Britain's green growth opportunity is like building 20 Olympic Stadiums every year until 2020.

“So that's why British industry wants us to crack on with our energy reforms - the foundation of Britain's future low carbon economy. Industry knows this will stimulate the investment the economy needs. Our reforms will unlock billions of private investment in energy produced here in the UK: wind, marine, solar hydro, nuclear and carbon capture and storage.

“Private investors will fund the vast bulk of what we need. Unlike many other projects, green growth need not mean red ink. The energy projects that I want to drive are ready now, they are what the Treasury calls shovel ready.”

Mr. Davey concluded: “Our campaigns changed the political agenda so much that we can now become a world green leader. That's how far Britain has come, that's how far we have come so let us say loud and clear, on our green future there will be no turning back.”

Mr. Davey’s eloquent speech served, or it should be seen as a warning for the people in the Coalition Government who try to postpone/reduce the amount of money invested in the production of green energy. In UK, after Mr. Ed Miliband’s public stand regarding the huge potential of alternative energies, the Conservatives are the only important party who has not explicitly stated publicly that the investments in alternative green energy are a solution for times of crisis and austerity.

For more information and news about solar energies in the UK, you may visit here anytime: 

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